Biodynamic Craniosacral Therapy is a gentle, light-touch healing modality that helps balance the nervous system and restore health and vitality to the body. During a session the client remains fully clothed and receives the treatment on a massage/bodywork table. Through a series of light-touch hands on holds at various areas of the body, the practitioner provides a neutral listening presence that supports the client’s body in reorienting towards health. The practitioner listens to the tissues and fluids within the body and helps the client locate areas of the body that are under-resourced as well as areas that express health. Through witnessing and acknowledging tension, compression, or pain, combined with an appreciation of potency and vitality, bodies are capable of shifting, reorganizing, and releasing tension and trauma. The work aims to increase overall wellness, integration, and reconnect with wholeness. 

The Biodynamic approach to Craniosacral therapy works with the concept of the inherent treatment plan, which refers to the innate intelligence of each body, using that as the primary guide for the session’s focus. Practitioners take cues from the client’s body, trusting its wisdom and capacity to prioritize its own healing process. The holds are more passive and receptive in comparison to a Biomechanical approach in which the practitioner uses gentle force and pressure with their holds.

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